A message from 2Checkout:
Our exchange rates are updated daily. 2CO receives quoted rates from its currency partner once a day. These rates are based on inter-bank rates (only available to the largest international banks purchasing currencies in quantities of $1million USD or more) and include a calculated value of the costs of hedging, currency conversions and foreign exchange activities needed to guarantee the rates throughout the life cycle of the transaction. These guaranteed rates are used to calculate the USD settlements as well as refunds and exchanges.
Comparing rates from different information sources such as newspapers or online news sites is misleading. Foreign exchange rates vary from source to source depending on their origin, update intervals and many other factors. Moreover, such rates are usually valid for indication purposes only.
A more applicable comparison is with currency exchange rates and fees used by credit card companies and Issuing banks which average from 2-8% over the standard Inter-bank rate. The prices available for customers through our service will be the same (or lower) than the price they would pay when purchasing