We have just made a small plugin update to fix a couple of issues with the custom videos (thanks to Craig & Ashley for helping us with this).
We have also tweaked the style a little bit to look nicer for version 3.8.
We would like to take this opportunity again to remind our subscribers that as of WordPress 3.8 we will only be producing videos in English with the Australian, US and UK accents.
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French and German versions of our videos will be retired.
To make this transition as smooth as possible we will point any non-english installations for WordPress 3.8 to the 3.7 videos.
If you want to show your clients the 3.8 videos, you will need to set the language to Australian, US or UK.
We have not made this decision lightly, however the truth is there is just not enough demand to justify continuing to produce these videos.
This decision will allow us to devote our energy and resources on making the Video User Manuals plugin even better for the future.
Thanks for your continued support.