Video User Manual Plugin V2 Released

We have just launched the new version of the plugins which now contains these cool new features:

  • Accents: American, English and Australian
  • Foreign Languages: Español, Italiano and Português
  • The Master Profile – save your favourite settings
  • Youtube and Vimeo support
  • Completely new codebase

Learn how to revolutionise your business in less than 2 minutes

This video will show you why this plugin is a game-changer and why you need to start using it now:

For our existing customers, here is a breakdown of the new features in more detail:

Version 2 of the Video User Manuals plugin has been rewritten from the ground up and includes all the videos and the online written manual in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. The videos have also been narrated in native US and British accents as well as the original Australian.

You can now add up to 20 of your own custom videos and we also support YouTube and Vimeo iframe codes for these custom videos.

And, you can save your favourite settings as your master profile and re-use this configuration on future client sites with the tick of a box to save you even more time.

We hope you love using the Video User Manuals V2 plugin as much as we enjoyed making it for you.

27 thoughts on “Video User Manual Plugin V2 Released

  1. I can’t run this plugin on my site without it creating memory exhaustion errors and crashing the server with an error 520 message.

  2. I am blown away by the work that must have gone into this plugin and at how many features there are!

    I didn’t realize before now that this is all on the admin side. Something I wanted to do with the plugin was give my clients a membership on my site to allow them to access the videos, rather than installing on their sites. I’m setting up a membership plugin and we’ll see how it goes. I love the ability to customize for the client, so maybe I’ll switch around my game plan. Thanks you guys!!!!

  3. Thank-you for this great plugin,what you have put together is truly amazing,also thanks for white label cms
    this is how I found you guys. I was looking for a solution
    to personalize word-press and there it was, there’s Nothing Out There like it.

  4. Hi , thanks for the great video user manuals Christmas deal,just wondering where the THREE free gifts are.

  5. Feature Request

    I would like to request one additional feature to your already many featured plugin. Ready?

    You already have built-in the ability to add our own 20 videos for our clients to be able to learn and work with WordPress.

    However, I have many websites which require video tutorials on the customer side of WordPress, especially with shopping carts.

    It would be great if we could use the videos possibly with shortcode that could be played and viewed by our customers during the checkout process when it would be beneficial to our conversions and would result in less abandoned carts.

    I would gladly give up 5-10 videos on the admin side just to have this feature on the customer side of WordPress.

    • Hi,

      I am not sure I understand. How would the videos help customers, when they only discuss the backend of WordPress where the customers don’t have access?

      Please expand upon your idea, because I think this sounds like a completely new set of videos?


  6. Hey,

    Just bought this plugin and i can’t wait to start using it with my clients!

    Quick question: In Quebec (in Canada, eh!) and would love to know if you have a french version coming any time soon!?

    thanks again,

  7. I just bought the license, much appreciation for having a US English speaker.

    Now to make time to install it on client sites and let them know about it. (I’ve got a LOT of them!)

    I’ve made a lot of my own videos, and I know how much work that is. Love the new SEO addition!

  8. I purchased the developers license today and in less than 1 hour I can clearly see that if you build WordPress websites and you don’t have this plugin, you are leaving money on the table that far exceeds the cost of it. Not only can I train my clients but also my staff. Thanks guys, super stuff!

  9. Thanks for the update. Really appreciate the American English version as most clients ask about that with the first listen. However, upon changing to the American accent one client asked, “Can I have Simon Baker back, please?” I quickly changed her back to the Australian version!

    • Ha ha ha – that’s the best feedback I’ve had on my voice. Thanks Paul. We never anticipated some clients would want to keep the Aussie accent but I guess that’s one of the benefits of the new version – clients can choose the accent they want!

    • Great idea, celebrity voiceovers. I think I am going to put in a feature request myself for Samuel L. Jackson.


  10. Great update to the plugin. One question – I happen to be building a site for a multi-lingual church in Rome, and authors there speak English, Italian and Spanish. Is there an easy way to give them a choice of which language they’d prefer for the written and video manuals? Thanks.

    • Hi Chris,

      That’s one edge case we did not see coming! Videos, you have to choose a language, but there is no reason why you can give them the written manual in all the different languages.

      We will email it to you.


    • Hey guys,
      Don’t know if this will help, but I use a plugin called Transposh on my websites, which allows viewers to read the sites in different languages.

      Obviously it wouldn’t translate the videos or manuals in this case, but it would be invaluable in general for multi-lingual sites like this.

      @Troy Dean, great plugins, I will be installing both White Label and VUM on all new websites from now on, and will be retro-fitting them to existing client websites as time permits. If only I could get VUM to auto-install and auto-update through CMSCommander I would be a happy little puppie! 🙂

  11. This is amazing! I have never seen a plugin update with so many changes. the ability to add individual videos, custom videos to sections and the accent language is unbelievable.

    You guys must have worked incredibly hard to achieve this but I really think the work must have been worth it as this is in a different league now to any other WordPress tutorials.

    So pleased to see these changes. Great work.

  12. Very impressive! I’m updating as I type.

    Languages are a big plus point, not sure if I’d use the Master Profile much as it’s already pretty simple to configure Video User Manuals anyway 😉

    • Thanks for the support Joff. I bet you will use the Master Profile, why do it in 5 clicks when you can do it in 1 😉

  13. Just watched the video above, cant wait to update all our wordpress clients. The list of improvements.. perfect! I just finished a training session with a client, this is actually going to make my life so much easier..

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