
Because web development is a business first, passion second.

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George Gill Interview


About George Gill (

The founder of GILL Media, and GILL Solutions Management Group of Companies, George over the last 20 years has developed multiple companies into successful businesses always focusing on the utilisation of technology, the best people and marketing to spearhead growth.

George’s greatest passion is understanding businesses, challenges and the needs required to be successful. Through this passion over the last two decades with his hands on approach, application of technology and love for helping people succeed, George has applied what he has learned into helping thousands grow and develop their own successful businesses.


101 Ways To Elevate Yourself and Demand Higher Fees

Here’s the slide deck of a presentation I gave at WordCamp Melbourne last weekend.

I’ll make a separate video of this presentation shortly but I’ve been asked for the slides a lot so here they are.

If you apply just 5 things out of the 101 ideas in this presentation you will start attracting better quality clients and you will be able to increase your fees and work on more exciting projects.

Enjoy – and leave me a comment below and tell me what you found most valuable.


How To Avoid Clients With No Budget

I imagine at some point in your career as a web designer you’ve had a client ask you if they can catch up for a coffee, or even lunch, to discuss their ideas for a new website. I also imagine that you have optimistically gone along in good faith, full of enthusiasm, ready to answer any questions they might have with a little excitement about using WordPress again with those new plugins you’ve just discovered.

I imagine after a lengthy discussion with your prospect over coffee or lunch (that you pay for – they are a potential new client after all) you discover they want to build a new version of Facebook, but only for holistic natural medicine practitioners in their local area, of which there are eight. Continue reading