Remove WordPress Branding From Videos

It’s great to have all of the way available to branding the WordPress login, admin areas etc. for clients, however, the benefit of this is severely diminished by the fact that the videos have a WordPress install with the standard WordPress branding on it. Would it not make sense to make the branding in the videos as generic as possible?

david shared this idea ยท September 4, 2012

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36 thoughts on “Remove WordPress Branding From Videos

  1. You started this thread about a year ago and people clearly want this feature, myself included.

    So when is this going to happen?

    Don’t you want me as a customer, along with all the other people who want the branding removed?

  2. I learned about your videos thru the WLCMS. I would only buy them if they were also truly white label. This is a no-brainer for all the reasons already mentioned. Please DO THIS! We want this. Just offer another set without it or edit the videos and blur it out.

  3. Hi guys,

    this is an amazing resource to pas on to clients, BUT, I agree with everyone else in that this should be generic and all WordPress references removed.

    If you do this, I would seriously consider buying this great product!


  4. Im the same, was so pleased when I seen the videos and was going to buy them then realized it was covered in wp. Please remove or blur the logos. Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse!

  5. White Label Please. This would just help avoid confusion even more. Like he said in the video “training videos should be as generic as possible”. The people that use WordPress will still recognise it as WordPress and it won’t raise any questions from those that don’t.


  6. OK. How much more feedback do you need? White-label, please! I was ready to buy, but I have the same issue – should be clean of WP info. When (exactly) is this going to happen (since I really want to purchase this excellent resource). Thanks

  7. 100% agree it should be white label, my clients don’t know what wordpress is even though they are using it and I occasionally mention it to them. I’ve learned not to even discuss it. It’s like saying we use Linux, its just one more unnecessary thing to confuse them – it *really* does cause confusion for them. If this were white label it would be a on my sites now.

  8. White Label videos are essential. You must remove the WP logos.

    We take WP to new levels, only an experienced WP user would recognize our client back-ends as WordPress.

    Although we tell our clients their site is built on WordPress, they do not see references to WordPress or anywhere.

    When you create anonymous videos we will sign up for the service and recommend it to other programmers.

  9. I jumped on anyway and actually its not a big issue, most would not notice and to be honest we are up front about using the wordpress platform with our clients anyway – still think it could be a great selling point though.

  10. Would love this to be unbranded, – i would jump on this in an instant if it was unbranded. As it is I will continue using my own crappy guide ๐Ÿ™

  11. I’m a developer and agree that the WordPress branding in the videos should not be there. As soon as you release a new set of videos without the WordPress branding, I’ll be sure to purchase. Keep me posted to the new video release without the WordPress branding. Thanks.

  12. I agree. I understand that these videos may be used without the white label plugin but if you are using the plugin to create an unbranded admin area, then having branded training videos kind of defeats the purpose.

  13. I fully agree with this and it would help me in making my final decision – which I am still deliberating on. Creating the overall feeling that my clients are fully taken care of by our company (we also do their branding, printing, etc.) is very important. They don’t want to think we are just funneling them videos from some other company. We are deliberating on making our own videos to ensure this. The fact that yours ‘auto update’ with new versions is a major enticement though…sigh…decisions!!

  14. Brian, the branding issue is the reason why I have not purchased your training videos. I am currently making my own. If you were to remove the wordpress logos, mentions, links etc in your videos I would purchase. I’m on your mailing list. So, just let us know when you have a white label train video set.

  15. Hi Brian. Thanks for the reply. I think it’s important to highlight that the issue isn’t about any confusion being caused, but more about logically following the branding autonomy set out by the White Label plugin and branding options within the UVM plugin.


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